Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chapter Twelve: Rude Awakening

Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved.

I awoke when they began splashing water on my face. The first thing I saw was Kurt’s face, close to mine, watching me. I raised my hand to my head gingerly, and then tried to raise my head. A wave of dizziness washed over me, as I tried to get my thoughts together. I remembered sitting before the counselors, and one of them had just said something about the space station.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You fainted." Kurt said. I flushed, and then tried to laugh.
"I knew I should have eaten breakfast."
“Natalie, Natalie.” Lynled’s voice said, pretending to be reproving. “You worried us, taking such a long time to come around.”
“Lynled?” I asked, raising myself onto my elbows. She was perched gracefully on the edge of the bed-- the bed? “Where am I?”
“We took you back to the house,” Kurt said, moving away. He paused.
“Well?” I asked quickly.
“I don’t know if you’re ready to hear this...” he said slowly. Fueled by my impatience, I suddenly sat up.
“Dokla Kurt,” I began, repeating the title the counselors had used. “Tell me now what happened or I swear that I’ll run all the way to the Counselor’s Hall and beg them to tell me what happened!” Kurt grinned reluctantly at me.
“They’re trying to contact your father,” he began. I fell back down on the bed as the air whooshed out of my lungs. “If all goes well, they’ll try to convince him to join you here on Khnack.”
“Here? On Khnack?" I asked, joyously disbelieving. Kurt nodded. "So I don't have to leave?" Before anyone could answer I impetuously sprang off the bed and ran over to Kurt, giving him a hug. “I can hardly believe it!” I said, smiling all over my face. Sudden laughter burst mirthfully from Lynled, and I froze, realizing that I was hugging Kurt. Very carefully I released him as I slowly backed away to Lynled. His face was frozen between several different expressions and I very quietly said “Sorry.” His face suddenly relaxed into a smile, and he began laughing along with Lynled. Unable to resist, I also started laughing, and the three of us laughed together.

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